Wednesday, July 13, 2016

DIY hexagon shelfs

After scrolling through Pinterest for a few days I finally came to conclusion we NEEDED hexagon shelfs. This was a matter of life and death! I swear! A quick trip to the hardware store with my boyfriend + screaming toddler covered in sawdust, we had a few new plant babies in tow and some wood to start our project. I had him cut down all the wood to 8″ pieces with a 30 degree angle on each end, then the rest of the assembly was  super easy. 

We sanded the edges of each wood piece then attached then with a nail gun. After I stained the wood this beautiful cherry color. Then I painted the inside of the hexagon and let dry over night. 

There you have it! If you look close in the photo there's also a triangle shelf that my dad created for us but I need to get the measurements from him to put it up properly on my blog. It's so beautiful though. Keep a look out for that how to! 

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