Tuesday, May 26, 2015

heal a sunburn overnight, naturally.

Yesterday my family spent a beautiful Memorial Day at the beach. We rode the waves, fished, built sand castles, had a sand war, ate hot dogs, became mermaids, oh & we got sun burnt!!

Badly sunburnt. My daughter is very fair skinned & got the worst of it.  I took this photo last night:

I took to the Internet & read on a few wellness blogs about ACV & coconut oil for sunburn treatment & instant relief. I always have both on hand so I took to my food pantry. 

"When apple cider vinegar (ACV) is applied topically for sunburn, it acts as an astringent. The work of an astringent is to shrink or constrict body tissues. Thus, it will reduce inflammation caused due to sunburn. ACV also helps in balancing the pH levels of your burned skin which means it will balance the acidity v/s alkalinity of your skin and thus promote healing. When you have mild sunburn, you may expect to treat it just by applying apple cider vinegar once or twice. Advanced stages of sunburn may require more ACV to be applied over time."

I used a clean rag to dip in the ACV and dab it all over my daughters back. I saturated her back and shoulders & let her sit without a shirt so it could dry. About ten minutes later I covered her burns in coconut oil. I rubbed gently so I wouldn't hurt or irate the burns, I know first hand how uncomfortable sunburns can be. 

About twenty minutes later I reapplied the coconut oil and she was comfortable enough to go to bed. When she woke up this was the result:

The sunburn is gone. The burns have tanned and she wasn't in any pain. No blistering, no peeling. I added another layer of coconut oil this morning before getting her ready for school and she says she feels fine & isn't in any pain. 

Tip: I also sprayed some lavender essential oil diluted with water to help not only with the smell but the assist in the healing process. Lavender has many uses but may be used to soothe and cleanse common cuts, bruises, and skin irritations including but not limited to sunburns. 

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What's happening now.

Wow! It's been a good minute since I've used my my little writing outlet. How is everyone doing? Life is all kinds of insane, but ...