Sunday, September 6, 2015

Medicated Gummies

My two year old son just came down with the worst cold. If your toddler is anything like mine then I'm pretty positive they HATE taking medicine. He's stuffy, running fever, coughing, all of the above with this cold. I tried giving him the medicine with the syringe but he instantly spit it out. Son, I'm trying to get you better!!! 

Anyway, a year or so ago I learned the benefits of natural gelatin & making healthy gummies. Which we all know toddlers LOVE candy. 

 (Here is a link to a good read if you're uninformed on the benefits of natural getatin:

*But guys, it needs to be NATURAL! Not that crap next to the Jello at your local grocery store. 

Okay, so here's what I did. First you need your medication. I'm not going to put doses because every toddler ranges.  First I looked at the dose for my sons age & weight. I pored it into the cup that came with the medicine & set aside. 

Next I put a small pot on low heat with a splash of organic sugar free cranberry juice & let it heat just a little bit. To about luke warm. I put in one teaspoon of gelatin, and mixed vigorously so it didn't clump. Turn off heat & remove from heat. Next I poured in the medicine to the cranberry mixture and mixed. (Remember you are NOT cooking the medication)

Next you pour the mix into your molds. (Remember the dose you poured into the cup is for one serving. So however many gummies you create from this batch your child can eat safely) **only make one dose at a time

Place mold in refrigerator for about twenty minutes. That's it! You have gummy medicine that your toddler won't spit out! 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Maka Albarn DIY kids cosplay

So this year my daughter decided as a cosplay for Realmscon & for Halloween she wanted to be Maka Albarn from Soul Eater. It's her all-around favorite anime.

We started by thrifting the basic pieces to her cosplay. The white shirt, yellow vest, striped tie & red plaid skirt.All together we spent about $3. 

Here's a side by side. 

Her wig I ordered on eBay for $15.

My best friend made Rae the coat. It came out perfect! 

Next came her weapon, a scythe that's Soul Evans in weapon form. In the anime the scythe is massive. So I knew her's needed to also be big but light for her to hold in the cosplay contest 

First I drew out the shape of the  scythe on two full size poster boards to use as s blueprint. My boyfriend cut out the shape with a razor on cardboard x2  for sturdiness.

For the base we had a long curtain rod from our old house. It's hallow, the exact shape we needed & light. So it worked perfect. 

Next we started tapping the pieces together with duck tap. Lots & lots of duck tap. We started at the tip of the  scythe and worked our way up to the eye. The reinforce I added crumbled paper in the center of the blade since it created a pocket. This gives it dimension. Also the eye part is stuffed with crumbled paper & taped shut.

Then I paper mâchéd the whole thing to have a smooth surface to paint on. )For my glue I used three parts water to three parts flour and heated it just before it boiled. The glue was perfect, thick & held really well.)

I let it dry outside for two days. 

Then it was time to paint it. 

It took a lot of layers but eventually..... 

And this was our finished product! 

The boots I thrifted for $4 & added stripes of white duck tape. 

She loved it & the cosplay was a huge hit! We couldn't walk ten steps without someone stopping her to take a photo!

What's happening now.

Wow! It's been a good minute since I've used my my little writing outlet. How is everyone doing? Life is all kinds of insane, but ...