Saturday, September 5, 2015

Maka Albarn DIY kids cosplay

So this year my daughter decided as a cosplay for Realmscon & for Halloween she wanted to be Maka Albarn from Soul Eater. It's her all-around favorite anime.

We started by thrifting the basic pieces to her cosplay. The white shirt, yellow vest, striped tie & red plaid skirt.All together we spent about $3. 

Here's a side by side. 

Her wig I ordered on eBay for $15.

My best friend made Rae the coat. It came out perfect! 

Next came her weapon, a scythe that's Soul Evans in weapon form. In the anime the scythe is massive. So I knew her's needed to also be big but light for her to hold in the cosplay contest 

First I drew out the shape of the  scythe on two full size poster boards to use as s blueprint. My boyfriend cut out the shape with a razor on cardboard x2  for sturdiness.

For the base we had a long curtain rod from our old house. It's hallow, the exact shape we needed & light. So it worked perfect. 

Next we started tapping the pieces together with duck tap. Lots & lots of duck tap. We started at the tip of the  scythe and worked our way up to the eye. The reinforce I added crumbled paper in the center of the blade since it created a pocket. This gives it dimension. Also the eye part is stuffed with crumbled paper & taped shut.

Then I paper mâchéd the whole thing to have a smooth surface to paint on. )For my glue I used three parts water to three parts flour and heated it just before it boiled. The glue was perfect, thick & held really well.)

I let it dry outside for two days. 

Then it was time to paint it. 

It took a lot of layers but eventually..... 

And this was our finished product! 

The boots I thrifted for $4 & added stripes of white duck tape. 

She loved it & the cosplay was a huge hit! We couldn't walk ten steps without someone stopping her to take a photo!

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