Monday, March 21, 2016

"Babe, I forgot to charge my crystals!"

The women I've become/am becoming. I literally pulled over & called my boyfriend to grab my stones out of my jeans from the previous day and place them next to my selenite. (You know, to recharge & cleanse, duh.) 

Creativity has been flowing through my body these days. I can't get through my day without trying a new recipe, thrifting something and giving it new life, repurposing an old piece of furniture, crafting up a gathering or mentally gathering my ideas for a future event. My son's 3rd birthday is around the corner (well, three months...maybe not a corner, a block?) He's such a cool little guy. He loves cars, all cars. He loves hot dogs, but only the weenie, he hates the bread. Juice boxes are life and water is his element. Just to name a few of his vices. So we decided on a "cars" theme  (actual cars, not the Disney movie. Although he loves that damn movie. We've watched it at least a trillion times.)  Yeah, I'll admit, I'm a super emotional person and cry for almost every little thing, but thinking of his face when he sees his special little party, just for him. I tear up. I CRY, actually. I put a lot of thought, creativity & energy in to my children's birthdays. 

Growing up my parents were very minimal. They're not the type to hug, say "I love you" or really put forth any effort into making each individual child feel somewhat special. I promised myself and my children that I would never make them feel that way. We don't host "Kid•chella" like the Kardashians, but my children feel the love, the positive energy, they see all of their parents hard work and have beautiful days celebrating their life. Cheesey, I know. What can I say? Parenting makes you a softie.  

Its amazing to go through Pinterest and visually see the love and hardship other parents put into their children's special days. Not even just birthdays either, holidays and other special occasions too.   

I'm also preparing summer crafts and activities since school is coming close to an end.  Embarking on my spiritual journey I've found myself wanting to give.  To my community, to my loved ones & to nature. Bringing our children into this path to becoming beautiful little human beings. In life, I've always been lost. I've projected negative energy on to myself and on to others. Finding this path has brought me to this beautiful path of acceptance and being able to let go of anger. Since peeling that layer of my life away, I've finally began to love full heartily.  Recently we participated in the Funky Sock Walk to raise awareness for Down Syndrome. It was such a wonderful experience and I'm so thankful my children got to feel and experience that type of love from the community. So many amazing people with such inspiring my messages.  Next up we're registered for a 5k for CASA to support abused & neglected children. (Registration is still open if anyone is still interested). It's my first 5k and I'm running it with my little family, jogging stroller in tow. Also we're starting a group with the kids to go clean up local areas (parks, beaches & so on) to teach our youth to care for Mother Nature and help restore areas in our community. 

Lots of positivity.  

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