Thursday, July 16, 2015

Zombabes 26 birthday

July 16, 2015.

It's 2:32 in the morning. I've been setting up this mini surprise for my boyfriend while he sleeps for his twenty-sixth birthday. We're giant horror/gore people but lately we've been on a Walking Dead kick. So I felt it fitting to use a zombie theme for my zombabe!  I kept the color scene simple. Black & red to match the gift I made for him that I'll post on the bottom. 

The cake was a fun craft. I cheated & used red velvet cake mix (the box) and made it as directed. While it was baking I made edible blood for the topping. I used a squirt of red food gel and five teaspoons of chocolate syrup. Mixed until I got the color I wanted then set aside. After the cake cooled, I stacked it & iced it then poured the blood over the top & threw some on top of it with a fork for a splash effect. I found these zombie arms & figures at the Dollar Tree and knew I had to use them. 

On to the gift. I wanted to make a zombie survival box. I purchased a shadow box from Walmart for $9. The gun is a toy gun from the Dollar Tree that I spray painted black. The bullets are real and we already had them. The book I already had, and the accessories I picked up at the Dollar Tree. You can seriously survive a zombie apocalypse at The Dollar Tree! Ha!!  

My friend Jennifer who runs Behind The Theme made me the decal for the box. 

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