Monday, August 3, 2015

DIY Walking Dead Shoot

My love for zombies has no limit. Earlier this year we cut my daughters long locks into an adorable short manageable little do. After watching three seasons of TWD in three days... I noticed how much Rae looked like Maggie. A few days later we purchased a hat for Jasper & it reminded me of Glenn. 

Then it dawned on me. This would make such an adorable little shoot! I happen to have a really good camera too that I've been meaning to start utilizing. 

So this is the outcome!! I hope y'all enjoy! 

She had to get a photo with her dog. Lol 

1 comment:

What's happening now.

Wow! It's been a good minute since I've used my my little writing outlet. How is everyone doing? Life is all kinds of insane, but ...